January Book Club

UPDATE 01/26/2022: Our beloved Aunt Betty got Omnomnomicron’ed! We will unfortunately be postponing Book Club until February 10th 2022. Cant wait to see you there!

The first edition of Satan’s Scripts (Book Club) of 2022 hosted by Betty Bastet!

This Month we are discussing Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture by Per Faxneld. Now, this is an oxford textbook and NOT an easy read, so don’t worry! I’m going to be selecting topics of discussion from highlights of the book you can follow with your knowledge of the text or just join in the stimulating conversation! This open discussion will be moderated to ensure we all have a space to talk about being feminists and Satanism and satanic feminists. I will remind you all of the general human respect guidelines at the beginning of the talk.**Times are given in MST, if you mix up time zones and find yourself late, please quietly join as we’d love to have you.

Please fill out the google form to attend.

Book info: (found on your major book retailers, you know the ones) https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/…/oso…

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