And Justice For None

DISCLAIMER: The following editorial is the individual opinion of Azrael Addams, and does not represent the opinions, beliefs, or views of The Satanic Temple, The Satanic Temple Alberta Chapter, or any affiliates or partners.

Here in Canada, in late January, 2022, a rag-tag convoy of vehicles lumbered its way to Ottawa under the guise of protesting mask mandates for controlling the spread of the COVID-19  virus. By early February, these protesters arrived in Ottawa to lay siege to a city that clearly did not want them, nor were they prepared for them.
The protesters wasted no time dropping the veil and revealing their true bigoted natures. Within hours, national monuments were vandalized, “Fuck Trudeau” and Nazi swastika flags flew with pride. Protesters were reported to be seen carrying openly homophobic and transphobic signage. Concurrently, the Canada/US border crossing at Coutts, Alberta was similarly blockaded. The “freedom” convoy proceeded to close the borders into Canada at Windsor as well, effectively shutting down two major auto producer’s production plants. 

All the while, claiming this is for the freedom of all Canadians.

The social media spheres had no hesitation correctly exposing the double-standards at work here. In 2020, in response to the Wet’suwet’en First Nation’s protests against the construction of the CGL pipeline through their lands, the “government” of Alberta rammed The Critical Infrastructure Defence Act through Legislature explicitly for the purpose of preventing protest. Just shy of two full years later, with the border at Coutts being blockaded, and multiple heavy-vehicle protests clogging infrastructure in both Edmonton and Calgary, the act has yet to be deployed against non-First Nations protesters, despite the fact that the “freedom” convoy is, in fact, attacking critical infrastructure. 

By February 9, 2022, the “government” of Alberta rolled over, and showed its belly to the bullies, by agreeing to drop all counter-COVID safety measures. No more vaccination verification, within a week, no masks for youth, and by the end of the month, no masks for anyone. 

Experts agree, this is a very bad idea.
And yet, after agreeing to drop restrictions in Alberta, somehow the Coutts crossing did not immediately reopen. “Freedom” convoy protesters haven’t accepted their victory and gone home. It’s almost like that’s not the goal; that this isn’t enough.
Guess what? It isn’t.

The protesters seem to have this obsession with Justin Trudeau. That obsession seems to be driven towards removing him as Prime Minister.  It seems that these protesters may be grappling with the reality that in the September 2021 federal election, that the Conservatives did not, in fact “Take Back Canada” as their slogans suggested. It stands to reason, this may really be the end goal. And if this happens, life is going to become immeasurably more difficult for a lot of people. 

“But Azrael, I agree this is a problem, but what in Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell does this have to do with us?”

Our Second Tenet states “The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.” What’s happening now… all of this, is certainly unjust except from one specific, bigoted perspective that has no qualms about advertising a fascist sympathy.
Yes, I’m also including the “government” of Alberta in that bigoted perspective.

As Satanists, we have a duty to call out and call attention to institutional injustice, and where possible, struggle against it. I can think of no better example of this, than the last month of horrible behaviour from a white-privileged few. 

For some of us, direct action, direct counter-protest is not feasible. For some of us, such directness would put ourselves, our loved ones, our careers, and in extreme cases, our very lives in jeopardy. And that is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s actually an act of courage to continue to participate in the struggle for justice in whatever way one can while still maintaining safe and healthy boundaries. For others, direct counter-protest is a viable option, and for those, I would like to reiterate some best-practices:

– Research the group that you would join in solidarity. There are few things more embarrassing than showing up to a “biker rally” wearing full leathers and patches, only to find the rest of the group in spandex body suits talking about electrolytes and hydration.

– Leave your TST swag at home. The general public, especially the media, will home in on the Satanic symbolism, and whatever message you intend to deliver will become lost behind the pentagrams.

– Do not seek confrontation. The goal is support and solidarity, not open warfare. If confrontation is unavoidable, seek to defend yourself and those around you that may not be capable of defending themselves. Only engage enough to break contact and attain safety for yourself and those around you.

Regardless of what form the struggle for justice takes, we should maintain the spirit of “Justice For All” rather than “justice for the few”.

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