TST Alberta’s 1st HELL PATROL!

After two long years of being prevented from gathering in person, due to covid, The Satanic Temple Alberta Congregation was finally able to host its first in-person social after receiving official congregation status in 2020. For many of us, this was the first time meeting friends that we had made over the internet, not through a computer screen.

Over the past two years these fine folx have become family and supported one another through the hardest of times. Sending care packages when members were sick, helping each other through breakups, and uplifting one another through everything life threw at us. As we commonly say, Satan Fam is the best fam, and we wouldn’t trade each of them for anything… Except maybe poutine lol.

We held our 1st Hell Patrol in Calgary, AB. Where we took over the streets of Kensington and visited many of our favourite shops and coffee houses that a lot of us spent quite a bit of time at in our younger and more feral days. It was important for us to show some love to shops like Charisma, which always had the BEST selection of tshirts, bullet belts, battle vests, and everything else you could imagine an alternative kid needing.

It was an absolute honour to walk arm in arm with you all, and thank you to all the members that travelled from all over Alberta to attend this event. Thank you all for celebrating our 1st official in-person social with us, and making history.

Hail yourselves extra hard! Can’t wait to see you at the next event 🤘🏻


March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility, and was founded by transgender activist, Rachel Crandall, in 2009 to help bring awareness to the lack of LGBTQ+ recognition of trans folx.

The Satanic Temple Alberta Congregation fiercely stands along side our trans brothers and sisters as they face adversity now, and throughout history. We stand against all forms of bigotry and will always support trans folx in their fight for equality and justice! Be you, be proud, be bold! Feel free to share your story in the comments, or contact us to find out how to get more active in TST Alberta Congregations queer spaces.

We see you!
We hear you!
We love you!


Alberta Trans Resources:

Pride Centre of Edmonton

Skipping Stone
The Alex

Red Deer
Red Deer Queer Community Association


BIPOC Womens Health Network
Trans Equality Society of Alberta
Trans ID Alberta
Trans Youth Hotline
Online Trans Counselling

#TDOV #TransVisibility #TransDayOfVisibility

January Book Club

UPDATE 01/26/2022: Our beloved Aunt Betty got Omnomnomicron’ed! We will unfortunately be postponing Book Club until February 10th 2022. Cant wait to see you there!

The first edition of Satan’s Scripts (Book Club) of 2022 hosted by Betty Bastet!

This Month we are discussing Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture by Per Faxneld. Now, this is an oxford textbook and NOT an easy read, so don’t worry! I’m going to be selecting topics of discussion from highlights of the book you can follow with your knowledge of the text or just join in the stimulating conversation! This open discussion will be moderated to ensure we all have a space to talk about being feminists and Satanism and satanic feminists. I will remind you all of the general human respect guidelines at the beginning of the talk.**Times are given in MST, if you mix up time zones and find yourself late, please quietly join as we’d love to have you.

Please fill out the google form to attend.

Book info: (found on your major book retailers, you know the ones) https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/…/oso…

Weekend Temple Service

Join us October 30th at 3am for a special Temple Service lead by one of our wonderful Canadian Ministers. This Temple Service discussions will be rooted in Halloween Practices & Traditions. What traditions do you practice? Rituals perhaps?

Click HERE to watch live!
*TST TV Subscription required*